Connect your spreadsheets to a database in the cloud

Connect your spreadsheets to a database in the cloud

Spreadsheets are valuable for organizing and managing customer data, especially for small-scale businesses handling small datasets with few complex relationships.

As your data grows and becomes more complex, with more users needing to access it, managing data with spreadsheets becomes very inefficient. Also, observing and tracking changes made to a spreadsheet is more complicated, often resulting in multiple versions of your data.

Cloud-hosted databases enable better data management by offering a platform for accessing, managing, and organizing your data.

This article demonstrates how to connect popular spreadsheet tools, Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, to cloud-hosted databases MariaDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL to improve data management.


To follow along with this tutorial, ensure you have the following:

The essentials of spreadsheet and database integration

Cloud-hosted databases offer organizations a database as a service (DBaaS), allowing them to host, deploy, and manage databases while eliminating the time and resources needed to purchase, configure, and maintain hardware.

Some of these databases include:

  • PostgreSQL — a robust open-source relational database known for its reliability, extensible features, and high performance. It supports integration with numerous tools and technologies, helping you build scalable applications.
  • MySQL — a popular open-source relational database, offering users scalability, flexibility, and reliability for building SQL and NoSQL applications. It provides a high-performing, available database for powering business-critical applications at an economical cost.
  • MariaDB—MariaDB is another open-source relational database that can handle large or small amounts of data, making it a dependable choice for most businesses. Although it has numerous similarities to MySQL, it is more scalable and has a faster querying speed, making it well-suited to performance-critical workloads.

Cloud-hosted databases ensure uninterrupted business operations through numerous features, such as automatic backups, version control, and disaster recovery. Additional benefits are:

  • Scalability
  • Flexibility
  • Business agility
  • Security
  • Cost savings

Thanks to tools like Kinsta, you can set up PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB instances in minutes. Kinsta offers access to a cloud-hosted database system, which you can use to follow along with this tutorial risk-free and without charge.